Our Services

  • Massage Therapy at TruHealth & Wellness consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of your body, specifically your muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints for the purpose of optimizing your health.

    Our clinical Massage Therapy has a therapeutic effect on your body and optimizes health and well-being by affecting your muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems. Massage Therapy can improve and maintain your function, as well as improve your pain and stress levels.

  • Osteopathy is a form of drug-free non-invasive manual medicine that focuses on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

  • A personalized treatment that will truly help you reach your goals and overcome challenges.

    Sessions may include:

    • Myofascial Release

    • Trigger Point Therapy

    • Esalen Deep Tissue

    • Cupping Therapy

    • Ultrasound Therapy

    • Soft Tissue Release

    • Detailed Rehab Plan

    Your tailored plan allows you to view the exercises on video with your computer or mobile device, or to use the print option.

Specialized Services

  • Cupping Therapy

    Cupping massage is a form of bodywork utilizing plastic and silicon cups. The skin is drawn up with a vacuum like suction to facilitate a deep release of connective tissue.

    Cupping is beneficial in treating scar tissue, chronic knots, increasing blood flow, helping alleviate fascial restrictions and muscle tightness. It involves creating suction on the skin using a plastic cup.

  • Ultrasound Therapy

    Ultrasound therapy can help you heal, no matter what aches or pains you may be experiencing.

    Ultrasound uses mechanical energy to promote the healing process.

    It can be used as a way to manage or relieve pain, treat injuries, and improve your ability to perform daily activities.

    If you are suffering from pain or a recent injury, ultrasound treatments may benefit you.

  • Esalen Deep Tissue

    EDT is a type of massage therapy that incorporates many other massage styles and techniques, and is characterized by its long, integrating strokes.

    Used to focus on deeper muscles, tendons, and connective tissues. The therapist pays close attention to the client, noting any subtle cues which are indicative of pain in order to focus on the problem areas and adjust the pressure to the client's level of comfort.

  • Myofascial Release

    MFR is an alternative form of soft tissue therapy used to treat skeletal muscle immobility and pain. This is achieved through relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation and stretching out the muscles.

    MFR techniques can be either passive, where the patient remains completely relaxed, or, active, where the patient provides resistance as necessary with direction from the massage therapist.

  • Indie Head Massage

    IHM is a specialty relaxation massage and is different from your regular massage. After preparatory work is performed on the neck, shoulders, arms and upper back, the scalp, head, face, energy points on the head and ears are focused on.

    IHM can help release stress and tension, creating a sense of peace and well-being. It also helps to reduce anxiety, improve sleep and concentration.

  • Hot Stone Therapy

    Hot stone massage promotes deep relaxation of your muscles using warm smooth Baltic stones to melt tension away. The warmth of the stones help to expand blood vessels and promote circulation.

  • Pre and Post Natal Massage

    Massage is a safe way to manage pain and discomfort associated with pregnancy. Your comfort is the main concern so always communicate with your therapist if you need any adjustments.


    Uses ergonomically designed instruments to detect and treat fascial restrictions, encourage rapid localization and effectively treat areas of chronic pain, inflammation, or degeneration.

    IASTM stimulates lymphatic drainage, blood circulation and encourages relaxation of the muscles. Improved blood flow to skin and facial tissue

  • Fascial Stretch Therapy

    (FST) is a pain-free, full-body functional mobility restoration system performed on a massage table with stabilization straps and the client fully clothed. FST can be used by anybody to mitigate chronic pain, optimize sport performance and daily living, and improve the bodies natural healing capabilities.

    It’s like yoga on the table.

  • Functional Range Conditioning - Mobility

    FRC focuses on improving mobility. Mobility, in an FRC sense, is defined as strength and control in order to expand upon usable ranges of motion, articular resilience and overall joint health. Adding FRC principles into your training and prehab routine can be a huge game-changer! We have a 6 step approach to helping you regain or maintain your range of motion.

  • Rehabilitation Services

    A personalized program will truly help you reach your exercise goals and overcome challenges to maintain your mobility.

    Your tailored plan allows you to view the exercises on video with your computer or mobile device.

Let’s Get you moving, so you can feel better and perform better !

“The best posture, is a moving posture”

— Dr. Andreo Spina